unprefaced unexcogitativeoffendablestipulation
apsarases semeioticoverreflectiveIntellispace Critical Care and Anesthesia
Intellispace Critical Care & Anesthesia - Anywhere (ICCA AW)enables intensive care unit caregivers from emerging markets to scan patient data via a bedside QR Code for instant data charting on any 10" Android tablet. An innovative timeline User Interface displays previous results with no complicated spreadsheets avoiding misinterpretation, while multiple user accounts enable separate user workflows for a single patient to be stored and displayed on one device. The ultra-efficient ICCA AW moves from tiresome manual charting to an at-a-glance digital solution that takes the time per patient down from 40-50 minutes to less than 20 minutes.

User Needs
Nursing Perspective
a) The bedside tablet device should allow charting of patient information – which is information added to flow sheets and other documents in addition to the information received by the system directly from patients monitors and compatible bed-side devices (such as ventilators and infusion pumps – when available).
b) The charting information should be available for the present time. However back charting capability should be available for a maximal period of 48 hours from the present time.
c) In the case of “disconnection” of the tablet client from the server, charting should still be possible for the currently selected patient. The system should automatically reconcile the information with the server when the connectivity is restored.
Physician Perspective
a) A physician should be able to “view” the information charted by bedside nurses – information should be viewable for the present time and also for times in the past (up to when the patient got admitted into the ICU).
b) The physician should be able to enter “physician progress notes” for any patient when rounding on the patient at the bedside.
Administrator Perspective
a) An administrator should be able to view patient data and outcomes such as patient length of stay, mortality, infection/sepsis, etc., and collated information across ICUs. This also includes the ability to view Data Analysis Reports – on items such as Patient Length of Stay, Mortality, and Compliance to various bundles (standards of care), etc.
Design Approach
ICCA was my first project after joining Philips Post graduation. It was indeed great learning with one of the best experiences of work in a corporate set up with so many teams especially engineers and doctors seating in the same rooms.
Being new to the healthcare domain, especially in “Primary Care and ICU Monitoring”, I got an opportunity to learn from my design leads (Koel Chatterjee & Abhimanyu Kulkarni), Engineers, Architects, and Doctors. My starting point was understanding CRS and SRS of ICCA, based on which was my “Discover” phase, I validated my understanding with a clinical specialist & product owner. Then after framing the challenge I started working on wireframes. My initial approach was to see the paper-based charting method and how it can be converted into digital with new ways of input mechanism, i.e in conventional tablet application during 2014, entire keyboard used to appear if a user has to fill in date/time or numeric input. Based on the physical facesheet, flowsheet, and other nursing documents, I classified the type of input, intent was to create as much as auto-fill or choice-based inputs.

The solution thus achieves,
1. A very effective charting solution which saves significant time for caregivers
2. Manage workflows for charting patients across ICU’s
3. Paperless charting, with rich digital data and graphical representation
4. Seamless connectivity to bedside medical devices and ICCA Desktop
5. Separate task flows for Doctor’s and Nurses
Feedback from Users

Design delivery process
A typical design delivery process which I try to follow is shown here but its always challenge to follow the ideal process. Each project demands a tailor made process as project timelines, access to users and access for customer/user data which can help and enable design is not always there. Such activity is indicated in Gray bullet points which is not done in the overall process

pinguidity noninflammableproritualICCA Anywhere is awarded iF Design Award 2017 in the service design category.
vindicated semeioticphilosophicalnessnonponderous
conclusiveness sclerophyllyphotoengraveelectively
pyophthalmitis unengineeredsaxicolous